PicSure provides top-level photo scanning services at a very affordable price. All scans are done in 600 dpi, the highest possible resolution for physical photo conversion to digital.

PicSure’s simple pricing model allows for you to take advantage of our services with easy-to-understand packages.

Photo Scan Pricing


1 Case = 100 Photos approx.

Case Qty.
  • Up to 10
  • 10+
  • 20+
  • 50+
$ Cost
  • $30/Case
  • $28/Case
  • $25/Case
  • $21/Case

* Pricing for hand-fed photos that require a flat-bed scanner are $1 per scan. This includes photo album pages, abnormally sized images (anything over 8.5” x 11” or under 3”x3”)

* Additional fee to scan back-side of photos. $10 per 100 photos (remember to separate out these double-sided scans)

* Don’t forget that we can scan documents too! This includes your child’s kindergarten artwork! Let us help you preserve ALL your precious memories. Document scanning follows same pricing structure as photos.