Being a mother of two young sets of twins and another young little boy, it’s been hard for me to imagine that I could work from home and be successful with a business and my family at the same time. The thing I love about PicSure, and the opportunity I have, is that I have finally found something that can support my family lifestyle in a positive way. I have the opportunity to meet with family and friends, discover more about their own history, while helping them preserve their memories.
What I’ve learned is that pictures taken, become lost, if they aren’t made digital. I love that I’m selling something that I know my family and friends need, will enjoy, and in many cases, have already been searching for. It’s really easy to sell a service that helps people accomplish something they already have on their “to-do list.”
Something that is unique about a PicSure party, is that it truly is a party! We’re able to look at and celebrate people’s memories that they’ve been working hard to preserve since the moment they captured them. I feel like it’s a privilege to provide a service to someone that will ensure true and long-term preservation through digitization.
I’ve also been so grateful for the opportunity this gives me to help support my family and assist my husband in providing opportunities for our children. It really is the best of both worlds: I’m providing a service that is truly saving the history of a family while bettering the future of mine.”
– Christi Anne Towner
Lead PicSure Consultant
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